On Friday, April 15th we had the opening ceremony of the Francesco Verdi’s paint « Albero Genealogico Famiglia Sagredo », the Sagredo family tree.
This artwork will be shown on our Doge Hall for the pleasure of everyone who wants to visit.
During the ceremony we had the opportunity to learn more about the Sagredo Family, one of the most prestigious families of the Venetian nobility, who had been living in Santa Sofia district for centuries and especially from Agostino Sagredo, the last heir of the family.
Furthermore, we would like to thanks Querini Stampalia Foundations for the nice surprise: for the duration ofthe original portrait of Agostino Sagredo!
Ca’ Sagredo Hotel and Isabella Collavizza, a renowned historian, are glad to invite you at the following event, dedicate to the Sagredo Family:
– Thursday 12th May, from 6.00pm we will talk about Nicolò and Zaccaria Sagredo, two important collectors of the family.
– Friday 3rd June, the last appointment from 6.00pm we will talk about « Giusto Le Court and Antonio Corradini at Ca’ Sagredo ».
Infos and reservation: +39 041 2413111 – events@casagredohotel.com